Requirements for Citrix XenApp or Microsoft Remote Desktop Services
(Microsoft Remote Desktop Services was formerly known as Microsoft Terminal Services.)
To use ClearSCADA with Citrix XenApp or Microsoft Remote Desktop Services effectively, you should check that the:
- ClearSCADA server meets the recommended ClearSCADA server specifications (see ClearSCADA Server Requirements in the ClearSCADA Installation Guide)
- Citrix/Remote Desktop Services server(s) meets the recommended specifications as defined by Citrix or Microsoft
- Citrix/Remote Desktop Services server(s) also has sufficient memory to run the required number of ViewX or WebX sessions (in addition to the operating system, XenApp or Remote Desktop Services, and any other applications)
- Citrix/Remote Desktop Services server(s) and clients have connections with sufficient bandwidth.
In the following sections, we provide information on the system specifications needed to run ClearSCADA on Citrix and Remote Desktop Services:
- Bandwidth for Citrix XenApp and Microsoft Remote Desktop Services
- Memory Requirements for Citrix XenApp and Microsoft Remote Desktop Services.
For more details on the specifications for Citrix XenApp and Microsoft Remote Desktop Services, please contact the agent or vendor.