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Telnet Monitoring

ATTENTION: You need to enable the Telnet client manually. To do this, access the Windows Control Panel, and then select Programs and Features. Next, select ‘Turn Windows Features On and Off’, and then select the Telnet client.

Log files are useful for reviewing what has happened in the past, but are not a convenient way of monitoring in real time as you have to keep closing and reopening the log file. Many of the ClearSCADA applications contain a Telnet server that allows you to connect a Telnet client to monitor the application in real time. However, if there is a lot of activity the real time data can scroll past very quickly.

By using Telnet monitoring, you can monitor the application or channel in real time. This means that you can view the latest information without having to close and re-open the log file.

The following applications contain a Telnet server:

Further Information

Define the TCP/IP Port for Telnet Server

Enable or Disable the Telnet Server

Use a Telnet Client to Monitor an Application or Channel.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2