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Triple Standby Architecture

Triple Standby server architectures are similar to Hot-Standby pair architectures except that instead of there being one Standby server, there are two. As with Hot-Standby Pair arrangements, one of the servers is recognized as the Main server, with the other servers being Standby servers. Clients and plant can be connected to any of the servers, but the data they report is sent to the Main server and stored in the Main server’s database. The Main server then updates the databases in the Standby servers so that they match the Main server database.

The diagram above shows a possible Triple Standby architecture, where two servers are connected via a LAN and they connect to the third server via a WAN.

Triple Standby architectures provide additional backup in the event of a hardware, software or network failure.

When a manual changeover is performed, the Main server will switch to Standby and the Standby server that has been running the longest amount of time will switch to become the new Main server.

NOTE: Multi-server systems (redundancy) require a license and so are only supported by full versions of ClearSCADA.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2