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Understanding the ClearSCADA Server Configuration Tool

The ClearSCADA Server Configuration Tool contains a tree structure that groups the types of server settings. When you select one of the groups, the relevant settings are shown in the right-hand panel.

The server settings are grouped as follows:

You should not alter the Registry settings without expert advice from Schneider Electric.

The ClearSCADA Guide to Server Administration describes how to use each of the ClearSCADA Server Configuration features (with the exception of the driver specific settings which are described in the relevant driver documentation). It also explains how to:

If you are familiar with the ClearSCADA server configuration process, refer to the section that explains the features for which you require information.

If you are unfamiliar with the ClearSCADA server configuration process, you should refer to the relevant type of system setup for further instructions:

ClearSCADA 2015 R2