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WebX Server Settings

The majority of WebX settings are configured in Internet Information Services (IIS). These settings are configured by default when you install the Web and Mobile components of ClearSCADA, (see WebX Setup). The ClearSCADA server together with the IIS web server allows client PCs to access the ClearSCADA System via the internet or intranet.

NOTE: The majority of the WebX Server settings apply to Original WebX, where indicated, certain settings also apply to WebX.

To setup the Original WebX connections at the server, you need to access the WebX Server settings:

  1. Display the Server Configuration Tool and log on if required (see Accessing the ClearSCADA Server Configuration Tool in the ClearSCADA Guide to Server Administration).
  2. Expand the System Configuration branch of the tree-structure.
  3. Select WebX to display the WebX section.

    You can use the WebX settings to:

    For more information, see the topics that are listed in the gray footer section at the bottom of this topic. Select the relevant entry to display the topic that you require.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2