HDA Items
The HDA Items category provides status information for each trace that is shown on a Historic Trend.
The status information for each trace is categorized as:
- Id—The identity number that has been allocated to the trace by the ClearSCADA software.
- Client—The number of the client handle that is allocated by the ClearSCADA software.
- Name—The full name of the item from which the historic data originates.
- Aggregate—The name of the database aggregate that generates the historic values. For example, the aggregate could be:
- Historic—The database aggregate that generates the historic data for points and accumulators.
- History—The database aggregate that generates the historic data for time profiles.
- Forecasts—The database aggregate that generates the historic data for Forecasts.
- Alternatively, the entry could be an aggregate created specifically for a driver, such as High2ProfileHistoric (which is an aggregate for the SCADAPack E analog points high limit 2 profile).
You can use the HDA Items status information when investigating abnormal Trend updates.