You are here: System Administration > Server Status Tool > Standby Status Information > Links (Standby)

Links (Standby)

The Standby Links category provides status information about the standby server(s) synchronization with the main server. This allows you to check that each standby server updates correctly.

The standby links status information is categorized as:

During the synchronization process, the % Cfg Sync, % Dyn Sync, % Data Sync, % Data File Sync, % His Sync, % His File Sync, and % His File Sync statuses increase. When these statuses reach 100%, the Sync status changes to Full. This indicates that the standby servers are synchronized with the main server.

If the % Cfg Sync, % Dyn Sync, % Data Sync, % Data File Sync, % His Sync, % His File Sync, and % His File Sync statuses appear to be stuck at a specific percentage below 100%, the servers may be unable to synchronize correctly. To resolve this, you could try and shutdown and restart the standby server(s). For more information, see Start and Stop the System Server in the ClearSCADA Guide to Server Administration.

The speed of the synchronization process varies according to the size of the database, the amount of time that the database has been down (i.e. not running), and the communications path.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2