Log Files
The Log Files category displays the status of the latest log file for the database. This is useful when you need to determine whether a log file contains the latest logged data.
The status information for the log files is categorized as:
- File Base—The location of the log file.
- Curr File—The number of the latest log file.
- File Size—The size of the latest log file.
- Max Size—The largest permitted size for the log file The log file cannot exceed this size; when there is more data, an additional log file will be created.
- Pend Msg—The number of messages waiting to be flushed to disk.
- Telnet Port—The port on which the Telnet server is running (or - if the Telnet server is not running). For more information, see Define the TCP/IP Port for Telnet Server in the ClearSCADA Guide to Server Administration.
- Clients—Indicates whether any Telnet clients are connected to the Telnet server.
- Last Message—The last message stored in the log file (the message and its time stamp).