Configuring TBox Digital Points
The TBox driver supports 1-, 2-, and 3-bit Digital Input points and Digital Output points.
Configure the properties for each digital point using the fields on the TBox Digital Input Point Form or the TBox Digital Output Point Form, as appropriate.
Use the Digital Point tab to:
- Configure the General TBox Digital Point Properties
- Use the properties in the States section to define the states for the Digital Point (see Define the Point States for a Digital Point in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Point Configuration)
- Use the properties in the Override section to define whether a point’s value can be overridden (see Define whether a Digital Point can be Overridden in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Point Configuration)
- Use the properties in the Trend section to define the settings for displaying a Trend of the values of the Digital Point (see Define a Digital Point’s Trend Settings in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Point Configuration)
- Under Logged Data, use the Historic Data Filter to specify whether current data, logged data or both are to be retrieved for this point. Logged data include any Chronologies that have been set up on the TBox RTU for this point
- Under Logged Data, use the Alarms From combo box to specify when the ClearSCADA server updates its database with any point-state alarm information for this particular point (see Processing Alarm Data for Point States in the ClearSCADA Guide to Advanced Drivers).
For TBox Digital Output Points only, use the Control tab to specify properties relating to control of equipment:
- Configure the control properties (see Define the Control Settings for a Digital Output Point in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Point Configuration)
- Specify whether any outstations are given scanning priority whenever a control action is issued (see Promoting Scanning of Outstations Associated with Controls in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Point Configuration)
NOTE: You can use the Go To link to open the configuration Form of the outstation that you have selected.
- Use the Update point on successful action check box to require the point to report its value immediately following a successful control action (see Specify Whether to Update an Output Point Value Immediately Following a Control Action