You are here: Driver Reference > TBox Driver > TBox Driver Guide - Configuring a TBox Outstation

Configuring a TBox Outstation

A Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) gathers data from and send commands to physical plant. The RTU is represented by an outstation in the ClearSCADA database. For detailed information about outstations, see Outstation Types and Communications Set-ups in the ClearSCADA Guide to Advanced Drivers and see Configuring an Outstation in the ClearSCADA Guide to Advanced Drivers.

The TBox driver supports the following types of outstation:

Before you can successfully configure an outstation, you need to configure the outstation set to which it belongs (see Configuring a TBox Outstation Set).

Use the fields on the appropriate TBox Outstation Form to configure the properties of each outstation on your system. The form has several tabs:

For the minimum configuration required to create a functioning TBox outstation in ClearSCADA, see Minimum Configuration for a TBox Outstation.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2