You are here: Core Reference > Trends > Using Trends > Display a Pre-Configured Trend in Run Mode

Display a Pre-Configured Trend in Run Mode

Trends that are stored as items in the database are referred to as user created Trends or pre-configured Trends. They are added to the database by a user with the Configure permission and are configured to have the required settings.

Operator level users can access pre-configured Trends and display them in Run mode. They can then use the navigation and other operator-level features to view and compare the data on the Trend.

To display a pre-configured Trend in Run mode on a ViewX client:

  1. Log on to ViewX via a valid User account.
  2. Display the Database Bar (see Display an Explorer Bar in the ClearSCADA Guide to ViewX and WebX Clients).
  3. Expand the Database Bar tree structure until you can see the Trend you want to display.
  4. Right-click on the Trend database item, then select the Display Trend option to display the Trend in Run mode.

    Alternatively, you can display the Trend in Design mode and then use the Design mode button to switch the Trend to Run mode. Depending on the configuration of your User account, you may also be able to display a Trend in Run mode by double-clicking on the Trend in the Database Bar.

To display a Trend that is stored in your Operator Document Store:

  1. Select the View tab on the ViewX ribbon.
  2. Select the Operator Documents command from the relevant command group.
    Your Operator Document Store is displayed.
  3. Expand the hierarchy to reveal the Trends that are stored in your Operator Document Store.
  4. Right-click on the Trend database item, then select the Display Trend option to display the Trend in Run mode.

You may also be able to display a pre-configured Trend from a Mimic, if a suitably configured Mimic exists on your system. A Mimic might, for example, include an embedded Trend or contain a button or hyperlink that allows you to display a Trend.

Further Information

Display a Pre-Configured Trend in Run Mode on a WebX Client: see View and Action Trends on a WebX Client in the ClearSCADA Guide to ViewX and WebX Clients.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2