You are here: Driver Reference > Trio Diagnostics Driver > Trio Diagnostics Driver Guide - Configuring a Trio Diagnostics Channel

Configuring a Trio Diagnostics Channel

In the ClearSCADA database, you use a Trio Diagnostics Channel database item to define the communication properties between ClearSCADA and a Trio Datacom ‘base’ radio. The ‘base’ radio provides the communications path to the other Trio Datacom radios on the network.

You need to configure one Trio Diagnostics Channel item for each ‘base’ radio that is connected to the ClearSCADA server. (If the ‘base’ radio is connected to a Terminal Server or similar device, which itself is connected to ClearSCADA, use the Trio Diagnostics Channel database item to specify the type of communications between ClearSCADA and the Terminal Server.)

Depending on your system setup and the radio series, ClearSCADA can communicate with a Trio Datacom ‘base’ radio using either a Direct Serial, or TCP/IP connection (see Supported System Setups).


You specify the properties of each channel using the fields on the Trio Diagnostics Channel Form. The Form has several tabs.


Use the fields on the Channel tab to:


Use the fields on the Connection tab to:


With a channel that has a Serial Connection Type, use the rest of the fields on the tab to:


With a channel that has a TCP/IP Connection Type, use the rest of the fields on the tab to:


The properties on the other tabs are common to many types of database item (see Tabs That are Common to Many Configuration Forms in the ClearSCADA Guide to Simple Drivers).

ClearSCADA 2015 R2