You are here: Driver Reference > Trio Diagnostics Driver > Trio Diagnostics Specific Status Display Attributes > Source


Associated with: Trio Diagnostics database items

The Source attribute is common to many Status displays. The attribute indicates the location at which the item resides. The information shown varies, depending on the item.

The Source attribute displays the value Undefined if the item’s configuration is incomplete, in so far as the device with which the item is associated has not yet been specified.

For items on the Trio Diagnostics driver, the Source attribute displays this information:

Channel (Serial Comms)


<Port>:<Baud Rate>:<Data Bits><Parity><Stop Bits> Controller Address <Controller Address>


COM2:9600:8N1 Controller Address 3

For a channel that uses a serial connection. The channel communicates via port COM2 at 9600 baud, using 8 bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit. The diagnostic application’s controller address is 3.)

Channel (TCP/IP Comms)


<TCP/IP Type> <Host Address>:<Port>,<Local Port> Controller Address <Controller Address>


TCP,25 Controller Address 2

(For a channel that uses a TCP connection to communicate with Host Address, via Port 20. ClearSCADA listens for replies on Local Port 25. The diagnostic application’s controller address is 2.)

Radio (Serial Comms)


S/N <Unit Serial Number> <Port>:<Baud Rate>:<Data Bits><Parity><Stop Bits> Controller Address <Controller Address>


S/N 155 COM2:9600:8N1 Controller Address 3

(For a remote or ‘base’ radio that has a Unit Serial Number of 155. ClearSCADA uses a serial connection to communicate with the radio network’s ‘base’ radio. The channel’s details are as per the Serial Comms Channel example above.)

Radio (TCP/IP Comms)


S/N <Unit Serial Number> <TCP/IP Type> <Host Address>:<Port>,<Local Port> Controller Address <Controller Address>


S/N 12 TCP,25 Controller Address 2

(For a remote or ‘base’ radio that has a Unit Serial Number of 12. ClearSCADA uses a TCP connection to communicate with the radio network’s ‘base’ radio. The channel details are as per the TCP/IP Comms Channel example above.)

Analog or String Point (used for retrieving a predefined PIC, using TCP comms)


S/N <Unit Serial Number> <TCP/IP Type> <Host Address>:<Port>,<Local Port> Controller Address <Controller Address>, <Parameter>


S/N 12 TCP,25 Controller Address 2, DSP Firmware Revision ( PIC 157 )

(An analog point that represents the diagnostics parameter ‘DSP Firmware Revision’. The diagnostics parameter is identified by the Parameter Identifier Code (PIC) 157. Radio and channel details as per the TCP/IP Comms examples above.)

Digital Point (used for retrieving an unlisted PIC, using TCP comms)


S/N <Unit Serial Number> <TCP/IP Type> <Host Address>:<Port>,<Local Port> Controller Address <Controller Address>, PIC <PIC> Bit <Bit Offset>


S/N 12 TCP,25 Controller Address 2, PIC 204 Bit 2

(A digital point that represents an unlisted diagnostics parameter (one that is not included in the list that is available for the ‘Parameter’ property on the point’s configuration Form). The diagnostics parameter is identified by the Parameter Identifier Code (PIC) 204. The relevant data starts at Bit 2 in the value that ClearSCADA retrieves from the Trio Datacom radio. Radio and channel details as per the TCP/IP Comms Channel example above.)

Analog or String Point (used for retrieving an unlisted PIC, using TCP comms)


S/N <Unit Serial Number> <TCP/IP Type> <Host Address>:<Port>,<Local Port> Controller Address <Controller Address>, PIC <PIC>


S/N 243 TCP,25 Controller Address 2, PIC 216

(A point that represents an unlisted diagnostics parameter (one that is not included in the list that is available for the ‘Parameter’ property on the point’s configuration Form). The diagnostics parameter is identified by the Parameter Identifier Code (PIC) 216. ClearSCADA retrieves the diagnostics parameter from the Trio Datacom radio that has a Unit Serial Number of 243. Channel details as per the TCP/IP Comms Channel example above.)

Digital Point (used for retrieving a predefined PIC, using serial comms)


S/N <Unit Serial Number> <Port>:<Baud Rate>:<Data Bits><Parity><Stop Bits> Controller Address <Controller Address>, <Parameter>


S/N 155 COM2:9600:8N1 Controller Address 3, Diagnostics Checksum Enabled ( PIC 102 Bit 1 )

(A digital point that represents the diagnostics parameter ‘Diagnostics Checksum Enabled’. The diagnostics parameter is identified by the Parameter Identifier Code (PIC) 102. The relevant data starts at Bit 1 in the value that ClearSCADA retrieves the Trio Datacom radio that has a Unit Serial Number of 155. Channel details as per the Serial Comms Channel example above.)

ClearSCADA 2015 R2