You are here: Getting Started > ViewX and WebX Clients > Alarms


An alarm is an indication of an abnormal condition detected by the ClearSCADA system. For example, items in your database may be configured to operate within certain limits, and if an item returns values that are outside those limits, an alarm might be raised.

In ClearSCADA, the existence of alarms is indicated in a number of ways, including:

Be aware that displays such as Alarms Lists and the Alarm Banner only include alarms to which your user account and the ViewX or WebX client have access. Filters might further restrict the entries that are included in such displays.

When an alarm is raised, you should take the appropriate action (see Perform an Action on an Alarm in the ClearSCADA Guide to Alarms). Typically, you should acknowledge the alarm and then confirm that the abnormal condition that caused the alarm is rectified (if possible). Once ClearSCADA detects that the abnormal condition that caused the alarm is no longer present, it will clear the alarm.

ClearSCADA supports alarm suppression. If other displays indicate that an item is in an alarm state, but no associated alarm entry is included in Alarms Lists or the Alarm Banner, it could be that the item’s alarms are suppressed (omitted from alarm displays). The item’s Status display will indicate if its alarms are suppressed.

Further Information

Activities that Occur when an Alarm is Raised in the ClearSCADA Guide to Alarms.

Alarm Severity, Status, and Category in the ClearSCADA Guide to Alarms.

For further information on alarms, see the ClearSCADA Guide to Alarms.

Certain alarms on your system might be redirected automatically (for example, if those alarms are not acknowledged within a specified time period). For information on redirection, see the ClearSCADA Guide to Alarm Redirection.

Alarm Suppression in the ClearSCADA Guide to Alarms.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2