Display an Explorer Bar on a WebX Client
To display an operator-level Explorer Bar on a WebXclient, select the required entry from the Navigation Bar:
- Database Bar
- Queries Bar
- Links Bar. (You use the Links Bar to access your Favorites and Operator Document Stores.)
NOTE: The WebX interface uses responsive web design. Depending on the width of the browser window, the navigation bar commands display as text or icons. For more information, see Navigation Bar.
You use the Database Bar to Browse your Database on a WebX Client.
The Database Bar is displayed automatically when you perform various activities, such as:
- Select the Locate in Database Explorer context-sensitive menu option from an item in the database (including an entry in a List or the Alarm Banner).
- Select various other context-sensitive menu options from an entry in a List or the Alarm Banner (including View Status, and Display Events).
- Select a ClearSCADA display from the Links Bar
To return to the display and/or Explorer Bar that were on view before you selected the menu option that loaded another display, use the Back button (if available) on the mouse, or select the Back button on your browser.
The Queries Bar is displayed automatically when you display a Queries List. To return to the previous display and/or Explorer Bar, use the Back button (if available) on the mouse, or select the Back button on your browser.
Explorer Bars are hidden automatically whenever you display a list of alarms or events using the Alarms or Events buttons on the Navigation Bar. However, Explorer Bars remain on show if you display a list of alarms or events for an individual group or database item.