Full Name
Associated with: All items
This status attribute displays the full name of an item, including its full path in the database.
The ‘name’ part of the attribute is that specified for the item in the database (and displayed in the Name field on the Identification tab of the item’s configuration Form). The ‘path’ part of the attribute includes dot separators to indicate the hierarchy of Groups (and/or the Group Instance, or Group Template), within which the item is located.
The Full Name of an item cannot exceed 254 characters, including separation dots and blank spaces.
Eastern Region.Zone 1.Switch 2
(Indicating that the item that is assigned the name ‘Switch 2’ is in the Group ‘Zone 1’, which itself is within the Group ‘Eastern Region’.)
(If it is not apparent from an item’s name, use the Type status attribute to ascertain the type of item for which you are viewing status information.)
Further Information
ClearSCADA Naming Restrictions: see Naming Restrictions in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration.