Object Menu Options
This section explains the operator-level Object menu options (‘pick actions’) that are common to many database items. It also lists those higher-level Object menu options that engineers might use during system configuration.
With an option that requires further user input before being executed, a window is displayed. Use the window to specify the required information and then select the OK button to confirm the details and execute the request.
For information on any menu options that are not listed in this section, see the ClearSCADA Guide to Drivers, or the relevant driver guide. (The ClearSCADA Guide to Drivers lists those pick actions that are common to items on many drivers; each driver-specific guide list any pick actions that are specific to that particular driver.)
Some of the Object menus on your system may include additional ‘custom’ menu options—menu options that have been added specifically for items on your system. See a system administrator for the documentation associated with such custom options.
The options that are displayed on an Object Menu vary, but may include a combination of these options that are listed in the gray footer section at the bottom of this topic. Select the relevant entry to display the topic that you require.
NOTE: Some of the options listed in this ViewX and Web Clients Guide mention the Automation Interface. Such notes are only of interest to high-level users that want to use that built-in interface.
The Object menu may also include a combination of these options, which are relevant to database configuration tasks, or other high-level operations. For information on any of these options, see the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration, unless another guide is mentioned below:
- Change Main Server—see the ClearSCADA Guide to Server Administration
- Change Password—see Change your Password via ViewX, and see Change your Password via a WebX Client
(You can only change your password in ClearSCADA if your user account is managed directly in ClearSCADA and you have sufficient permissions to change your own password. If your user account is associated with a Windows User Profile, password changes are managed via the relevant Windows domain.) - Color Palette
- Convert To
- Create Instance
- Create New
- Delete
- Disable Execution—see the ClearSCADA Guide to Logic
- Display Errors
- Display Instances
- Display References
- Edit
- Edit <Type of 'File' Object>
- Edit Color Palette
- Edit Properties
- Edit Security—see the ClearSCADA Guide to Security
- Execute—see the ClearSCADA Guide to Logic
- Export
- Import
- Locate in Template
- Locate Template
- Properties
- Property Overrides
- Release Exclusive Control—see the ClearSCADA Guide to Security
- Rename
- Repair Instance
- Reset Profile—see the ClearSCADA Guide to Security
- Restart—see the ClearSCADA Guide to Logic
- Security—see the ClearSCADA Guide to Security
- Set Duty User—see the ClearSCADA Guide to Alarm Redirection
- Set Element
- Set Value
- Set Variable—see the ClearSCADA Guide to Logic
- Take Complete Exclusive Control—see the ClearSCADA Guide to Security
- Take Partial Exclusive Control—see the ClearSCADA Guide to Security.
Further Information
Display Users (see Display Users in the ClearSCADA Guide to Security)
Notify User (see Notify User in the ClearSCADA Guide to Security)