You are here: Getting Started > ViewX and WebX Clients > ViewX Client > ViewX and WebX Clients Guide - The ViewX Ribbon (ViewX Client)

The ViewX Ribbon

The ViewX ribbon displays at the top of the ViewX window. The ribbon includes a set of tabs that provide access to a variety of commands organized into groups.

The tabs and commands that the ribbon contains varies according to your security level and the type of display currently selected in the Document Display Area. For example, if you log on with the Guest user account (with the default settings), you will see the Home Tab, Edit Tab and View Tab.

There are five different types of controls on the ribbon that you can use to access a command. These include:

The appearance of the ribbon will change if the space across the width of the ViewX window becomes limited. As the ViewX window narrows, command labels may not display, and command groups may appear as list controls.

Individual tabs and command options are explained in the relevant sections.

Further Information

Minimize the Ribbon

Quick Access Toolbar

File Menu

ClearSCADA 2015 R2