You are here: Getting Started > ViewX and WebX Clients > WebX Client > ViewX and WebX Clients Guide - Use the WebX Interface (WebX Client)

Use the WebX Interface

NOTE: This branch of topic relates to the WebX clien that is supported by ClearSCADA 2015 R1 onwards. For information about the deprecated Original WebX client that is supported by this and earlier versions of ClearSCADA, click here.

On a WebX client, you typically use the Navigation Bar and Explorer Bars to monitor and navigate your database.

As with other web applications, the mouse cursor changes shape to a pointing finger when it is placed over a hyperlink, Select the hyperlink to display the linked content.


The Web browser remembers the order in which you have viewed WebX pages. The browser should provide buttons that allow you to move back and forth between the pages that you have been viewing. For example, Internet Explorer 10 allows you to:


Specific actions you can perform on a WebX client include:

Further Information

Differences Between the WebX Client and ViewX

Understand the WebX Interface


ClearSCADA 2015 R2