View Tab
The View tab appears on the ViewX Ribbon. It contains the following command groups:
- Database Views
- Tools
- Window
The Database Views group allow you to display (or close) the Explorer Bars (such as the Favorites Bar, and Database Bar) to which your user account provides access. These are explained in detail in Explorer Bars.
The Tools group includes the following commands:
- Messages—Displays the Messages window (see Diagnostic Messages and Notification Display in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration).
- Display References—Displays the Display References window, used by high-level users to determine the database items that refer to a selected database item (see Displaying a Database Item's References in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration).
- Search Database—Displays the Search Database window, used to search for items in the database (see Searching for Database Items in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration).
- Locate—Used to locate a database item in one of two Explorer Bars, while the 'document' or other display associated with that item is open in the document display area (see Display an Explorer Bar in ViewX).
The Window group includes the following commands:
- Close All Documents—Closes the documents that are open in the Document Display Area
- Full Screen—Switches the ViewX window in and out of Full Screen mode. When in Full Screen mode, the following occurs:
- The ViewX title bar does not display
- The ribbon is minimized (see Minimize the Ribbon)
- The File Menu button displays at a reduced size
- The status bar does not display
- The Minimize, Maximize, Restore and Close buttons do not display
- Tool windows do not display
- The Alarm Banner is closed (if the current user has Can Remove Banner enabled in their User settings)
- ViewX extends over the Windows taskbar.