You are here: Driver Reference > DNP3 WITS Driver > WITS-Specific Status Display Attributes > Application Program

Application Program

Associated with: WITS Application programs.


Application programs are a part of the WITS Field Device configuration which comprises:

These files define how the Field Device operates. For more information, (see WITS Bulk Configuration Files, Incremental Configuration Files, and Application Program Files).


The Application Program attribute shows the version and the file size of the application program's file.

There can be two different versions of the application program: one in ClearSCADA and one in the Field Device. If there are two different versions, the Status display shows the following information for this attribute:

Outstation: <version>, Master Station: <version> (<file size> bytes).

If either the outstation or the master station (ClearSCADA) does not have an application program file, then the relevant <version> will be 'None'.


If the version of the application program is the same in both ClearSCADA and the Field Device, the Status display shows the following information for this attribute:

Version: <version> (<file size> bytes).


If there is no application file in either ClearSCADA or the Field Device, then the Status display shows the word 'None' for this attribute.


If there are different versions of the application program in ClearSCADA and in the Field Device, you may want to:

Further Information

Export Program

Import Program

ClearSCADA 2015 R2