Associate a WITS Outstation with a Device Profile
When you create a WITS Outstation item, one of the minimum requirements for its configuration is the Device Profile. This setting associates the Outstation database item with a Device Profile XML file, which is supplied by the Field Device manufacturer (and has to be imported into ClearSCADA, see Importing a WITS Device Profile XML File).
The Device Profile allows ClearSCADA to determine the capabilities of your WITS Field Device. Any features that are unsupported by your device will be unavailable for configuration in ClearSCADA (the settings will appear 'grayed out').
To associate a WITS Outstation with a Device Profile:
- Log on to ViewX via a user account that has the Configure permission, and then display the Form for the Outstation item (see Display a Form in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration).
- Select the WITS tab.
Use the browse button next to the Device Profile field to locate the appropriate Device Profile. ClearSCADA uses the Device Profile to detect the capabilities of your Field Device, so it is important that you choose the correct Device Profile.
- Save the configuration.
NOTE: The Device Profile setting is used by ClearSCADA only, and so does not need to be downloaded to the WITS Field Device.