Database Items Required for WITS
For ClearSCADA to be able to communicate with a WITS Field Device, it needs to have these items configured in the database:
- A WITS Device Profile item to store the Field Device's device profile. This is only needed for each type of Field Device (Device Profile items can be shared by Field Devices of the same type). ClearSCADA uses the Device Profile to determine the capabilities of the Field Device.
- One or more DNP3 Channels for communications. The DNP3 Channel(s) represents the communications connection between ClearSCADA and your Field Device (network, PSTN, etc.)
- A DNP3 Outstation Set (of the type that is appropriate for the communications infrastructure). The Outstation Set is used to group the Field Devices that share a DNP3 Channel.
- A WITS Outstation (of the type that is appropriate for the type of communications being used).
NOTE: For the initial configuration, you do not need to create database points (unless you are using Group Templates, see Using Group Templates with WITS Field Devices). ClearSCADA creates these automatically when the Field Device's configuration is imported or uploaded. ClearSCADA also creates items for time profiles automatically, and if you upload the configuration, it also creates application program items.
Each of the database items listed above needs to have certain 'minimum' configuration settings in place.These vary depending on the type of Field Device and communications. When you are configuring these items, any invalid or required configuration is indicated by a message shown at the bottom of each configuration Form.
When the Device Profile, Channel(s), Outstation Set, and Outstation items are configured correctly, the Field Device's bulk configuration and matching incremental configuration files can be imported/uploaded into ClearSCADA.
ClearSCADA uses the incremental configuration file to create items for WITS points and profiles automatically. (ClearSCADA is also able to create Application Program items automatically, but only if the configuration is uploaded). The WITS items that ClearSCADA creates match the inputs, outputs, and profiles used by the Field Device, as specified in the incremental configuration file.
If required, you can create additional time profiles and application programs in ClearSCADA and then download them to your Field Device. This is dependent on your Field Device supporting configuration download, and each Field Device supports a limited number of profiles and applications (defined in the Device Profile, (see WITS Device Profiles)
Further Information
Configuring a WITS Device Profile
WITS Bulk Configuration Files, Incremental Configuration Files, and Application Program Files
DNP3 Channels: see Configuring a DNP3 Channel in the ClearSCADA Guide to the DNP3 Driver.
DNP3 Outstation Sets: see Configuring a DNP3 Outstation Set in the ClearSCADA Guide to the DNP3 Driver.
WITS Outstations: see Configuring a WITS Outstation