You are here: Driver Reference > DNP3 WITS Driver > Example Configuration - T4e and ClearSCADA > Example Part 2 - Configure the WITS Items in ViewX

Example Part 2 - Configure the WITS Items in ClearSCADA

When you have configured the Talus T4e using its Configuration Application (see Example Part 1 - Configure the Talus T4e), you will need to set up WITS database items in ClearSCADA. The database items represent the Talus T4e and the infrastructure used for Talus T4e - ClearSCADA communications.

  1. Log on to ViewX via a user account that has the Configure permission.
  2. If your ClearSCADA database does not already contain a suitable Device Profile for the T4e, you will need to create one. To do this, right-click on a System or Group and select Create New and then select DNP3 and then select WITS and then select WITS Device Profile. Give the Device Profile a suitable name, for example, Talus T4e B01A16 (where B01A1 6 is the Field Device's software version).
  3. Right-click on the Device Profile and select Import Profile. Browse to the Device Profile XML file for the Talus T4e and select Open. The Device Profile is imported into ClearSCADA and stored in the Device Profile database item.
  4. Create a new Group named 'WITS Talus T4e' (right-click on the System Group and select Create New and then select Group).
  5. Right-click on the WITS Talus T4e Group and select Create New and then select DNP3 and then select Direct Channel. Give the direct channel a suitable name. For example, WITS Network Connection.
  6. Right-click on the Channel and select Properties to display the Channel Form.
  7. On the Channel tab, select the In Service check box.
  8. On the Connection tab, set the Connection Type to Network and the TCP/IP setting to TCP. Also, select the Enabled check box in the Listen Port section and enter 20000 as the Port.
  9. On the Scan Parameters tab, set the Line Speed to 115200.
  10. Save the Form.
  11. Right-click on the 'Talus T4e' Group and select Create New and then select DNP3 and then select Direct Outstation Set. Name the Outstation Set item 'Talus T4e Direct OS Set'.
  12. Display the Form for the Outstation Set and put the item In Service (Outstation Set tab) and give it a DNP3 Local Address of 6 (DNP3 tab). This matches the DNP3 Local Address that you defined in the Talus T4e's local configuration. Associate the set with the Channel you created in step 5 (Outstation Set tab).
  13. Save the Form.
  14. Right-click on the 'Talus T4e' Group and select Create New and then select DNP3 and then select WITS and then select WITS Direct Outstation. Name the Outstation 'Talus T4e 5'.
  15. Display the Form for the 'Talus T4e 5' Outstation and:
    • Set the 'Talus T4e Direct OS Set' as the Outstation Set (Outstation tab).
    • Set the Address to 5 (DNP3 tab). Again, this matches the address defined in the Talus T4e's local configuration.
    • Select the Security check box (Security tab)
    • Set the HMAC to SHA-1 truncated to 10 octest (networked). This algorithm has to match the HMAC setting in the Talus T4e's Configuration Application. (Security tab).
    • Set the Device Profile to the Device Profile you created in step 2 (WITS tab). When you have done this, select the Save button, but do not close the Form.
    • Select the Enabled tab in the Ethernet Keep Alive Poll section (Direct tab)
    • Set the Network to Single Network (Network tab)
    • In the Host Address field, enter the IP address of the T4e, for example, (Network tab)
    • Enter 20000 as the Port (Network tab). This matches the Listening TCP Port you specified in the Talus T4e's local configuration.
    • Set the Device Port to Ethernet 1 (Network tab)
    • Set the TCP/IP Type to TCP (Network tab)
  16. Save the Outstation Form and close it.
  17. Right-click on the WITS Outstation database item and select Set Update Key.
  18. Enter the security key for your Talus T4e. The security key needs to be entered as 32 bit hexadecimal digits and has to match the security key in the Talus T4e's local configuration. For this example, we asked you to use the key: 01020304050607080910111213141516.
  19. Select the OK button.

You can now proceed to Example Part 3 - Test Communications and Synchronize the Configuration.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2