You are here: Driver Reference > DNP3 WITS Driver > WITS-Specific Actions and Methods > Inhibit Alarms/Events (WITS Outstation)

Inhibit Alarms/Events (WITS Outstation)

Associated with: WITS Outstations

Security permission required to access this pick action: Disable Alarms

You can use Inhibit Alarms/Events to restrict the Field Device so that it does not report DNP3 events and/or logged events. However, an inhibit does not prevent the periodic logging of values or the reporting of current statuses or current values. Inhibits are useful when you know that a Field Device is going to generate unnecessary events, for example, during maintenance.

When you select Inhibit Alarms/Events, you can choose from:

If supported by your Field Device, you can also define a Timeout for the inhibit. The Timeout is an OPC time interval, in seconds (see OPC Time Format in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration). If you enter 0, no Timeout is used. If you specify a Timeout, the inhibit will remain in place until:

If a Timeout is not used (or not supported) the inhibit applies until:

NOTE: The View Status window for Outstations and Points shows the current inhibit status.

Further Information

Inhibit Alarms/Events (WITS Point)

ClearSCADA 2015 R2