Local Configuration
Associated with: WITS Outstations.
The Local Configuration attribute is a Health Check Status item. The attribute shows whether there has been a local change to the Field Device configuration. The possible states are:
- Changed (including incremental)—This state indicates that a user has made a local change to the incremental configuration. (This state is only supported in WITS version 1.2 onwards. For earlier versions, the attribute does not show if the incremental configuration has changed). For more information about the Field Device configuration, (see WITS Bulk Configuration Files, Incremental Configuration Files, and Application Program Files)
- Changed
- Unchanged.
Local configuration changes might include:
- Downloading a new bulk configuration file
- Changing an application file
- Using a local display connected to the Field Device to put a point or the device Off Scan or to change a limit or persistence.
If there has been a local change to the configuration, you can then decide whether to:
- Accept the local configuration ((see Accept Local Configuration))
- Download the ClearSCADA configuration, and overwrite any local changes ((see Download Configuration (WITS Outstation)))
- Upload the local changes into ClearSCADA (if the Field Device supports this action) ((see Upload Configuration (WITS Outstation))).