Making Changes to WITS Field Device Configuration
If you need to make changes to the configuration of a WITS Field Device (that has already been set up to work with ClearSCADA), you have three options:
Use ClearSCADA and/or a vendor-supplied Configuration Application to make the changes, and then use ClearSCADA to download the configuration to the Field Device (see Using ClearSCADA to Change Field Device Configuration). You can use ClearSCADA to make changes to the incremental configuration, but changes to the bulk configuration can only be made using a Configuration Application.
This approach to configuration management is popular because it centralizes the configuration at the master station (ClearSCADA). It also avoids the potential problem of conflicting changes being made locally in the Field Device and in ClearSCADA.
Use the vendor-supplied configuration tool to make the changes locally, and then upload the changes into ClearSCADA. Local configuration is used when the engineers on site do not have remote access to ClearSCADA. Instead, they configure the Field Device locally.
Use the Field Device's Configuration Application to make changes to the bulk configuration and then load the modified configuration into the Field Device. You will also need to import the modified bulk configuration file into ClearSCADA. This avoids the need to upload or download configuration, and so can be used when upload/download is not supported or if communications are too slow or unreliable.
For more details, see Using a Configuration Application to Change Field Device Configuration
NOTE: If the configuration of a Field Device is changed locally, you can choose to overwrite the ClearSCADA configuration with the local configuration. Alternatively, you can overwrite the local configuration with the ClearSCADA configuration, or you can accept that the configuration is different (see Accept Local Configuration).
Further Information
For information on the various ways of configuring a WITS Field Device to interoperate with ClearSCADA for the first time, see WITS Configuration Strategies.