On Scan (WITS Point)
Associated with: WITS Database Points
Security permission required to access this pick action: Off/On Scan
You can use the On Scan action to set a point that is currently 'off scan' back to 'on scan'. When a point is 'on scan':
- The Field Device will log data and generate events for the point.
- The point's ONLINE object flag is set and any action for the ONLINE flag changing are performed, (see DNP3 Object Flag Actions).
- The point can be controlled (if it is an output point).
Typically, you would use the On Scan action on a point when the point is ready for use. For example, if an instrument develops a fault, an operator may put the point for the instrument to 'off scan' (as this will suppress the data being reported for the instrument). When the instrument has been repaired or replaced, the On Scan action can be used to set the point back to 'on scan'.
NOTE: If a WITS Field Device is set to 'Off Scan', its points are not scanned (even if they are set to 'On Scan'). When the Field Device is restored to 'On Scan', its points continue to use their individual On/Off Scan settings.
The scanning state of each point is a combination of its individual setting and the Field Device's OnScan/Off Scan setting. If either (or both) is Off Scan, the point is Off Scan. A point is only On Scan if both the Field Device and the point are On Scan.