Pre-Configure ClearSCADA - Upload or Import Later
You can choose to pre-configure some or all of the points, profiles and application programs in ClearSCADA prior to importing or uploading configuration. When you have pre-configured ClearSCADA, you can import or upload the Field Device's configuration at a later time.
During the import/upload, ClearSCADA will:
- Create any WITS database points, application programs or Time Profiles that are included in the Field Device configuration but do not currently exist in the database (see Automatic Creation of WITS Database Items).
- Update the configuration for any WITS points, profiles or application programs that already exist in the database.
Points and application programs are matched based on their types and point numbers. For example, if a Field Device has an analog input 5, ClearSCADA will create or update a WITS analog input point with point number 5.
Pre-configuring the database in this way can offer several benefits:
- Save time when configuring WITS database items. It can be easier and quicker to copy existing items rather than modify items that are created automatically during an upload or import. This is because when items are created during an import/upload, the non-WITS configuration settings have default values, and so you may need to make changes to names, descriptions, severities, alarm redirections, Mimics, Trends, and so on.
- You can use Group Templates for configuration management (see Using Group Templates with WITS Field Devices). However, if your Field Device supports template bulk configuration, you can also use Group Templates without pre-configuring ClearSCADA (see Using a WITS Template Bulk Configuration File).
There is no need to wait for Bulk Configuration files. You can configure the ClearSCADA database before the bulk configuration files for your Field Devices are available.
NOTE: If you choose to pre-configure WITS points, each point will show a configuration error saying that the point does not exist in the outstation. When you import or upload configuration, the error will disappear. However, if you pre-configured any points that do not exist in the bulk configuration, the error will remain (as the points are invalid).
Pre-configuration can be used with any of the WITS Configuration Strategies. It is simply an extra step that is performed after the pre-requisites have been configured and before the import/upload.
Further Information
WITS Outstations: see Configuring a WITS Outstation
Configuring a WITS Analog Point
Configuring a WITS Binary Point
Configuring a WITS Counter Point
Configuring a WITS Firmware Image
Configuring a WITS Integrator Point
Configuring a WITS Maximum Point
Configuring a WITS Minimum Point
Configuring a WITS No Change Point
Configure a WITS Pulse (NULL) Action
Configure a WITS Pulse (Trip-Close) Action