Quick Start Tutorial
This Quick Start tutorial is designed to help you configure ClearSCADA to connect with a WITS Field Device for the first time. It is assumed that your ClearSCADA Master Station does not already contain configuration for WITS Field Devices of the same type. Before you start the tutorial, you will need an understanding of the communications infrastructure that will be used for communications between your WITS Field Device and ClearSCADA.
NOTE: The tutorial uses 'normal' Groups and database items and not Group Templates or Group Instances. Creating and configuring WITS database items in Group Templates requires a different strategy (see WITS Configuration Strategies).
In the tutorial, you will need to create new DNP3 and WITS database items (see Add an Item to the Database).
You will also need to configure the DNP3 and WITS database items by using their configuration Forms (see Working with Forms). Select the Save button to store the configuration changes you make.
Many of the settings you apply in ClearSCADA have corresponding settings in your Field Device's local configuration. We have named the settings on the Forms to match the terminology used in WITS device profiles as closely as possible, but Field Device Configuration Tools may use different terminology. If you are unsure about a WITS setting in ClearSCADA, please read the documentation for that setting to determine its purpose. You should then be able to use the Field Device Configuration Tool documentation (supplied by the vendor) to work out which Field Device settings correspond to the ClearSCADA Form settings.
To configure a WITS Field Device and ClearSCADA to communicate with each other:
- Set up the Field Device so that it is able to communicate with a Master Station using the WITS protocol. To do this, you will need to use the Configuration Application supplied with your Field Device. For more information please contact the vendor of your Field Device.
- Put the Device Profile XML file (provided by the Field Device vendor) in a location that can be accessed from your ViewX client. Typically, vendors supply the XML file on a disc.
ClearSCADA will use this Device Profile to determine the capabilities of your WITS Field Device.
NOTE: The Device Profile needs to be for a WITS version that is supported by ClearSCADA and your Field Device. ClearSCADA supports WITS 1.0 and WITS 1.1. In many cases, the latest Device Profile for WITS 1.1. is the most appropriate to use.
- Run ViewX and log on via a user account that has the Configure permission.
- Create a WITS Device Profile database item. Give the Device Profile an appropriate name.
- Right-click on the Device Profile item and select Import Profile. When the browse dialog box appears, locate the vendor-supplied device profile XML file and select Open. ClearSCADA now contains a copy of the device profile for your Field Device.
Create DNP3 channels and a DNP3 Outstation Set to represent your communications infrastructure. Channels represent the communications connection and the Outstation Set is used to group the Field Devices that use the channel(s).
You need to create a Channel (or Channels) and Outstation Set that are suitable for your Field Device - ClearSCADA communications:
- Direct Channels are for permanent link connections, such as cable, network, or a continuous radio signal.
- PSTN Channels are for communications via dial-up modems.
- PSTN Outstation Sets are for Field Devices that communicate with ClearSCADA via a dial-up modem.
- Direct Outstation Sets are for Field Devices that communicate with ClearSCADA via a direct link, such as a cable or network.
- Shared and Switched Outstation Sets are also for direct link communications, but they allow Field Devices to use two communications channels.
For general information on the different types of Channels, see Configuring a Channel in the ClearSCADA Guide to Advanced Drivers.
For general information on the different types of Outstation Set, see Configuring an Outstation Set in the ClearSCADA Guide to Advanced Drivers.
Configure the DNP3 Channel(s).
For a Direct Channel, you will need to put the channel In Service and configure the Connection settings.
For a PSTN Channel, you will need to put the channel In Service and configure the Connection and PSTN settings.
For more information on configuring DNP3 channels, see Configuring a DNP3 Channel in the ClearSCADA Guide to the DNP3 Driver.
Configure the DNP3 Outstation Set. As a minimum, it needs to be In Service and requires a unique DNP3 Local Address. This address is included in messages sent between your Field Device and ClearSCADA and is used by the Field Device to identify the ClearSCADA Master Station.
For more information on DNP3 Outstation Sets, see Configuring a DNP3 Outstation Set in the ClearSCADA Guide to the DNP3 Driver.
- Create a WITS Outstation database item to represent your Field Device in the ClearSCADA database:
If you added a Direct Outstation Set or a Switched Outstation Set, create a WITS Direct Outstation.
If you added a PSTN Outstation Set, create a WITS PSTN Outstation.
If you added a Shared Outstation Set, create a WITS Shared Outstation.
Configure the Outstation item. The minimum configuration settings required vary, depending on the type of Outstation:
WITS Outstations require:
- In Service to be selected (Outstation tab)
- An Address (DNP3 tab)
- A Device Profile (WITS tab)
- An Update Key (Set Update Key action). This is only required if your Field Device uses security. ClearSCADA needs to have the same Update Key as your Field Device. If your Field Device does not use security, clear the Security check box on the Outstation Form (Security tab).
WITS PSTN Outstations also require:
- A Telephone Number (PSTN tab)
- Local Dial-In Lines (PSTN tab). Dial-in lines are required for many PSTN outstations.
WITS Direct and Shared Outstations that use a network connection also require:
- Network (Network tab)
- Host Address (Network tab)
- Port (Network tab)
- PSTN settings (if PSTN Fallback is used for redundancy).
Many network WITS Direct Outstations also require a network Device Port, TCP/IP Type, End Point, and Inbound Connections.
WITS Direct and Shared Outstations that do not use a network connection also require:
- Port. Two ports are needed for a Shared Outstation. (Direct tab).
- PSTN settings (if PSTN Fallback is used for redundancy).
NOTE: The Device Profile for your Field Device may specify that other settings also have to be configured. For example, the Schneider Electric Talus T4e requires the Ethernet Keep Alive Poll setting to be enabled.If this is the case with your Field Device, ClearSCADA displays a message at the bottom of the Outstation Form to indicate which settings are required.
For the remaining Outstation Form settings, the default values may be appropriate for your Field Device. If your Field Device requires different settings to be applied, further configuration may be required. For more details, see Configuring a WITS Outstation.
- Create the ClearSCADA configuration for the points (inputs and outputs), profiles, and application programs for your Field Device. ClearSCADA only needs database items for WITS profiles and application programs if your Field Device supports these features and uses them.
There are two ways to create the configuration for points, profiles and application programs: importing and uploading. Importing is available to all WITS Field Devices, but configuration uploads are only supported by certain WITS Field Devices.
- Import Configuration - Right-click on the WITS Outstation item and select Import Configuration. Use the browse window to select your Field Device's incremental file and bulk configuration file (the bulk configuration filename uses the syntax <prefix>_<version>.<extension>, but there is no set syntax for the incremental filename. If your Field Device does not support configuration downloads, you will only need to select the incremental file. ClearSCADA imports the configuration file(s) and creates appropriate database points and profiles automatically. However, you will need to create Application Program database items manually, and then import the programs into the Application Program items (see step 12).
- Upload Configuration - This option is only available if your Field Device supports configuration upload, has been fully configured (locally) and requires has healthy communications with your ClearSCADA Master Station. Right-click on the WITS Outstation item and select Upload Configuration. ClearSCADA then uploads the incremental file, bulk configuration file and application program files from your Field Device and creates the appropriate database points, profiles and application programs automatically.
NOTE: Once the configuration is in ClearSCADA, you can use ClearSCADA to change the configuration to suit your requirements. You can then update your Field Device with the configuration changes by using the Outstation item's Download Configuration (WITS Outstation) action.
With Import Configuration, you can create the configuration without ClearSCADA and the Field Device having healthy communications, which can be useful if you want to create the configuration before communications take place. However, with importing, you will need to create the application file database items manually and import the individual application files. Upload Configuration allows ClearSCADA to obtain the application files and create corresponding Application Program database items automatically (but requires healthy communications).
- If your Field Device has application programs, and you imported the configuration in step 12, you will need to create Application Program database items manually.
The minimum configuration required for each Application Program item is:
- The Application Program has to be In Service
- The Application Program has to be associated with the Outstation that contains the program
- A unique Point Number is required. This has to be in the range 1-n, where n is defined by the 'Maximum number of applications' in the Device Profile.
- You also need to import the Field Device's application program into the Application Program database item. To do this, right-click on the Application Program item and select Import Program. Use the Import Program window to browse to the application program files.
NOTE: Application Program files are created using Third Party programming products. They use the naming convention: <prefix>_<version>.<extension>.
If you need to make further changes to the configuration of your WITS Field Device, you can make the changes to the matching WITS database items in ClearSCADA. When the changes have been saved, you can use the Download Configuration action to download them to your Field Device.
If your Field Device does not support configuration, you will need to make the changes in the Field Device's Configuration Application. Then you need to save the configuration as incremental and bulk configuration files and import these files into the Outstation item in ClearSCADA.