You are here: Driver Reference > DNP3 WITS Driver > Common Configuration for WITS Database Points > Severity Types and Actions for WITS Database Points

Severity Types and Actions for WITS Database Points

Each point state has a Severity type that defines whether ClearSCADA logs an event or raises an alarm when the point changes state (see Define the Severity Type in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration). For WITS database points, the Severity types also define the action taken by the Field Device when the point changes state.

When a WITS Field Device performs an action, it generates or logs an event, and may initiate a connection to ClearSCADA. There are two types of event:

NOTE: Log events are WITS-specific and are treated in the same way as other events in ClearSCADA (see Events in the ClearSCADA Guide to ViewX and WebX Clients).

When you configure a WITS point, you can define the action Severity for each alarm limit, state, and DNP3 Object Flag. The Severity and action settings are shown on the Point Form (on the tab for the type of point, for example, the Analog Point tab for a WITS Analog Input point).

Severities for Alarm Limits - WITS Analog Point Form


Point States

Form ClearSCADA Field Device
None No Action Taken No Action Taken
Log Event Log State Change Event in Event Journal Log State Change Event in Data Log
Event Log State Change Event in Event Journal Generate DNP3 Event
Alarm Raise Alarm Generate DNP3 Event and Open Connection
Fleeting Raise Fleeting Alarm Generate DNP3 Event and Open Connection


DNP3 Object Flags
Form ClearSCADA Field Device
None No Action Taken No Action Taken
Log Event No Action Taken Log Flag Change Event in Data Log
Event No Action Taken Generate DNP3 event
Alarm No Action Taken Generate DNP3 Event and Open Connection


The Severity type and action settings provide up to five options. The availability of these options is defined by the Device Profile for your Field Device (see WITS Device Profiles). The descriptions of the settings (below) include the terminology that you should look for in your Device Profiles:


When you first configure WITS database points, you should choose the type of Severity that meets your requirements. However, you should also monitor the number of events being logged and alarms being raised. If you find that the Field Device's memory is filling too quickly, you may need to adjust the type of events being generated. Typically, you would reduce the number of events by changing the limits, hysteresis, persistence etc. You may also decide to poll for events more frequently. However, you may decide to stop certain events being generated, in which case you will need to set the Severity of some states/flags to None instead of Event.


To configure the severities and actions for a WITS database point:

  1. Log on to ViewX via a user account that has the Configure permission, and then display the Form for the point (see Display a Form in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration).
  2. Select the <Point> tab, where <Point> is the type of point you are configuring, for example Analog Point.
  3. In the Alarm Limits or States section, there are two Severity settings, positioned in adjacent columns. Use the Severity settings in the left column to specify the severity type and action for each point limit or state. Choose None, Alarm, Fleeting, Event, or Log Event as required.
  4. In the DNP3 Object Flag Actions section, use the various combo boxes to choose the action for each flag. For more details, see DNP3 Object Flag Actions.
  5. Save the configuration.

  6. When you have completed the point configuration, you will need to download it to the Field Device by using the Outstation item's Download Configuration (WITS Outstation) action.

    If your Field Device does not support download configuration, you will need to make the same changes to the Field Device's configuration locally.

Further Information

Configuring a WITS Analog Point

ClearSCADA 2015 R2