Upload Configuration (Application Program)
Associated with: WITS Application Programs
Security permission required to access this pick action: Configure.
You can use the Upload Configuration action to upload an individual application program from a WITS Field Device into ClearSCADA. This is only available if your Field Device supports configuration upload (defined in the Device Profile for your Field Device, see Display a WITS Device Profile).
To upload the application program into ClearSCADA, select the Upload Configuration action for a WITS Application Program item. ClearSCADA will upload the application program file in the Field Device (that has the same Point Number as the Application Program you selected). When the application program file is uploaded, it is stored in the Application Program item. If the Field Device does not contain an application program with a matching Point Number, ClearSCADA detects that the upload has failed and generates a diagnostic message.
NOTE: The uploaded application program will overwrite any program that is already stored in the Application Program item.
NOTE: There is a special type of application program called a 'sub-component' which cannot be uploaded. If your Field Device supports application program sub-components, you can only upload the single application program that contains all of the sub-components. The sub-components cannot be uploaded individually.
Further Information