You are here: Driver Reference > Wonderware Historian Driver > Troubleshooting Wonderware Historian Driver Operation > Find a Wonderware Historian Tag's Source Point in ClearSCADA

Find a Wonderware Historian Tag's Source Point in ClearSCADA

A user can rename or move a point or accumulator in ClearSCADA after HCAL creates the Wonderware Historian tag for it. In this situation, the tag name will not match the ClearSCADA database item's current name.

However, you can find the ClearSCADA source point for a Wonderware Historian tag.

This is how. Tags have a description associated with them. ClearSCADA sets this to the class name and object ID of the point or accumulator. This is so that you can match tags in Wonderware Historian with items in the ClearSCADA database. You can read the tag description in Wonderware Historian (see the Wonderware Historian documentation). You can then search for the Object ID in the ClearSCADA database (see Working with the Database Schema).

Further Information


ClearSCADA 2015 R2