You are here: Driver Reference > Wonderware Historian Driver > Configure Wonderware Historian Tag Properties from ClearSCADA > TagDescription



The description of the tag. The maximum length of the description is 512 characters. This property applies to all tag types.

ClearSCADA Metadata Field


Default Value

Class name and object ID. You can use the class name to determine what type of ClearSCADA object is the source of the tag's data. You can use the object ID to identify which ClearSCADA object is the source of tag's data. You can do this even if the object has been renamed and therefore the object name doesn't match the tag name.

Examples: CDNP3AnalogIn,12345 or CPointAlgManual, 54321.



Further Information

Find a Wonderware Historian Tag's Source Point in ClearSCADA

ClearSCADA 2015 R2