Troubleshooting Wonderware Historian Driver Operation
This section provides information that will help you to monitor the operation of the driver.
- Check the Connection Between ClearSCADA and Wonderware Historian
- Find a Wonderware Historian Tag Name in ClearSCADA
- Find a Wonderware Historian Tag's Source Point in ClearSCADA
You can do the following Wonderware Historian checks:
- Check the status of the connection between ClearSCADA and Wonderware Historian. Use the ArchestrA System Management Console on the Wonderware Historian server. Look in the Clients section of Historian Management Console. ClearSCADA will appear as a client with an application name of DBServer.exe when ClearSCADA is connected to the Wonderware Historian server.
- Check which tags HCAL has created in Wonderware Historian. These tags will always be analog tags (even for digital and counter points). Use the ArchestrA System Management Console on the Wonderware Historian server. Look in the Analog Tags section of the Historian Configuration Editor.
- Check the Wonderware Historian Log Viewer on the main ClearSCADA server. The Viewer is installed at the same time as the driver on the ClearSCADA servers. You can access it from the Windows Start Menu. See Wonderware\Log Viewer. The log shows what HCAL has done.
For more information, see the Wonderware Historian documentation.