You are here: Driver Reference > Wonderware eDNA Historian Driver > Wonderware eDNA Historian Driver Guide - Configure the Wonderware eDNA Historian Server Setting

Configure the Wonderware eDNA Historian Server Setting

Before you can use the Wonderware eDNA Historian driver, a system administrator needs to configure a setting on each server on which ClearSCADA is running.

A system administrator has to:

  1. Specify a Folder for the eDNALinkMx Cache.
  2. Apply the change to the server (see Applying the Changes to the Server in the ClearSCADAGuide to Server Administration).
  3. If the server is currently running as the main server, restart the server for the changes to take effect (see Start and Stop the System Server in the ClearSCADA Guide to Server Administration).


    If you change the cache folder while the cache contains data, then this data will be lost. This will occur unless you change the cache folder while ClearSCADA is shutdown. For this reason, we recommend that you specify the cache folder before you start to export data.

    Failure to follow these instructions can result in loss of data.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for each server in your system.


ClearSCADA 2015 R2