You are here: Core Reference > X-Y Plots > Configuring X-Y Plots > Define the Y-Axis Settings

Define the Y-Axis Settings

You can use the Edit Trace window to define the source for the Y-Axis and set any algorithms, offsets etc.

To define the Y-Axis settings:

  1. Display the X-Y Plot in Design mode (see Display an X-Y Plot in Design Mode).
  2. Right-click just to the right of the Y-Axis or just above the X-Axis
    A context-sensitive menu is displayed.
  3. Select the Edit Trace Settings option.
    The Edit Trace window is displayed.
  4. Use the Y-Axis section of the Edit Trace window to define the Y-Axis settings:

The Y-Axis settings work in exactly the same way as the X-Axis settings except that they apply to the Y-Axis instead of the X-Axis. For more information, see Define the X-Axis Settings.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2