You are here: Core Reference > X-Y Plots > X-Y Plots Guide - Using X-Y Plots

Using X-Y Plots

You can use X-Y Plots to view the relationships between data from different sources on a single graphical display. Each X-Y Plot is configured to provide specific data over a specified time period. By accessing an X-Y Plot in Run mode, you can view the data on the plot, and alter the appearance of the X-Y Plot, including altering the time range that is shown.

In this section, we explain how to access an X-Y Plot in Run mode and use its various navigation features. We also describe how to change some aspects of an X-Y Plot’s appearance (for example, how to hide the X-Axis).

For information on displaying an X-Y Plot in Run mode, using the navigation features and showing and hiding the X-Y Plot’s features, refer to the relevant section:

ClearSCADA 2015 R2