You are here: Core Reference > X-Y-Z Plots > X-Y-Z Plots Guide - Configuring X-Y-Z Plots

Configuring X-Y-Z Plots

The topics in this section explain how to create and configure an X-Y-Z Plot. To do this, you should:

  1. Create an X-Y-Z Plot.
  2. Display an X-Y-Z Plot in Design Mode.
  3. Configure the X-Axis Properties.
  4. Configure the Y-Axis Properties.
  5. Configure the Time-Axis Properties
  6. Change the Appearance of an X-Y-Z Plot.
  7. Add a Trace to an X-Y-Z Plot.
  8. Configure a Trace.
  9. Add and configure further traces, as required.
  10. Save the changes to the X-Y-Z Plot (see Saving Configuration Changes in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration).

Users with the relevant permissions will then be able to view and use the X-Y-Z Plot in Run mode (see Using X-Y-Z Plots).

ClearSCADA 2015 R2