You are here: Core Reference > X-Y-Z Plots > Configuring X-Y-Z Plots > Invert the Y-Axis Scale

Invert the Y-Axis Scale

You configure properties, such as whether the scale used for the y-axis is inverted, as part of the initial X-Y-Z Plot configuration (see Configure the Y-Axis Scale). Thereafter, you can make further adjustments to the axis using the Y-Axis Properties window. You can also adjust the axis using the axis's context-sensitive menu.

To invert the axis's scale using the menu:

  1. Display the X-Y-Z Plot in Design mode (see Display an X-Y-Z Plot in Design Mode).
  2. Right-click on the y-axis.
    A context-sensitive menu is displayed.
  3. Select the Adjust Axis option.
    A further context-sensitive menu is displayed.
  4. Select the Invert Scale option.
    The scale shown on the y-axis inverts, so that the maximum value appears at the bottom and the minimum value at the top, or vice versa (whichever is the inverse of the present scale direction).
  5. Either:
    • Select the Save button to store the changes to the X-Y-Z Plot.
      ClearSCADA updates the y-axis configuration to take into account the adjustments that have been made to the axis.
    • Close the X-Y-Z Plot without saving the changes if the adjustments that you have made to the y-axis are only required temporarily.
      ClearSCADA discards the changes made using the menu option when the X-Y-Z Plot is closed.


An X-Y-Z Plot with the y-axis showing a scale of 0 to 100. The minimum value appears at the bottom of the y-axis, and the maximum value at the top.

The same X-Y-Z Plot with the y-axis scale inverted. The direction of the y-axis scale is reversed, so that the minimum value appears at the top of the y-axis, and the maximum value at the bottom. The positions of the traces' values are also inverted, so that they remain aligned with the y-axis's scale.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2