Actions Associated with Slave Outstations on Advanced Drivers
With most advanced driver setups, ClearSCADA is the SCADA master. Some drivers support slave functionality, whereby the ClearSCADA system acts as an outstation or similar device and reports any data changes back to its SCADA master (see Master-Slave Communications). On systems on which ClearSCADA is a slave, the Slave outstations support a combination of these actions:
- Acknowledge Alarms
- Acknowledge with Comment
- Alarm Response
- Cancel Promoted Dial Out—(PSTN Slave outstations)
- Close Line—(PSTN Slave outstations)
- Disable Alarms
- Disable Outstation
- Enable Alarms
- Enable Outstation
- Extend Line—(PSTN Slave outstations)
- One Shot—(PSTN Slave outstations)
- Open Line—(PSTN Slave outstations)
- Preferred Channel—(PSTN Slave outstations)
- Promote Dial Out—(PSTN Slave outstations)
- Release Exclusive Control—(Systems on which Exclusive Control is enabled)
- Remove Alarms
- Remove with Comment
- Reset Call Statistics—(PSTN Slave outstations)
- Reset Comms Statistics
- Reset Point Statistics
- Take Complete Exclusive Control—(Systems on which Exclusive Control is enabled)
- Take Partial Exclusive Control—(Systems on which Exclusive Control is enabled)
- Unacknowledge Alarms
- Unacknowledge with Comment.
NOTE: The options Delete Interface Event, Log Interface Event, Modify Interface Event, Refresh Alarms, and Reprioritize Alarms are also available from the Edit Action, Edit Method, and Pick Action Configuration windows. These options are methods, not pick actions, and are purely for use with the Automation Interface. For information, see the database Schema.
Further Information
‘Core’ pick actions that are common to many database items: see Object Menu Options in the ClearSCADA Guide to ViewX and WebX Clients.
For information on any slave outstation-specific actions that are not listed above, see the relevant driver guide.