You are here: Driver Reference > Drivers Guide > Actions that are Common to Many Drivers > Enable IO Logging

Enable IO Logging

Associated with: Channels on advanced drivers

Security permission required to access this pick action: Diagnostics

Use this pick action to enable I/O logging on a channel. When enabled, ClearSCADA logs the communications that occur on the channel, including any data that is discarded by the driver (see Enable or Disable I/O Logging on a Channel in the ClearSCADA Guide to Server Administration).

IO Logging on a channel (not to be confused with the I/O Logging option on a driver) is not enabled by default. Before enabling such logging, ensure that enough disk space is available to store the log files that will be produced.

The Logging system color indicates that Communications, I/O Logging, or Telnet monitoring are enabled on a channel. The IO Logging status attribute indicates the channel’s current I/O Logging status.

For more information, see Communications Logging in the ClearSCADA Guide to Server Administration.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2